Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life in the Sausage Factory

Here's the deal, for the thousandth fucking time -- Coulter moves product. If she didn't, she'd be down the road faster than Bushmills and liver paté through Tweety Matthews. Tweety gives her an entire hour because his publishing company owns her publishing company, and chances are either NBC or GE or one of their countless subsidiaries and/or partners owns them both.

This is not that complicated. This is an ongoing business decision to cater to some sort of toxic Archie Bunker subset which is presumed to watch PMSNBC, at least when the horse-faced tranny is braying. Banning idiotic euphemisms and moronic assertions is not the issue, impacting the profitability of such is.

So make a list of advertisers, check it twice, and start gang-faxing them. That's what they do every time a new teevee show hurts their wittle feewings. And it works. Watch how fast the high-minded idealism about airing both sides dissipates like so many Tranny Annie verbal air-biscuits.

But above all, let's please do disabuse ourselves of the notion that basic cable -- Saint Olbermann included -- exists to inform and edify. Who the fuck do you think is keeping all those Prison Bitch and To Catch a Predator pseudo-docs on after hours at Keith's Network?

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