Sunday, April 20, 2008

Philadelphia Freedom

I think this episode further reiterates every unpleasant assumption most of us have ever had about Hillary Clinton. Recall how MoveOn was founded, and what in fact the name of the organization refers to, and contrast with how easily she lies about them, how she doesn't even hesitate to use Karl Rove's lies.

We'll see how this turns out on Tuesday, but it'd be nice if Pennsylvanians step up and put an end to this nonsense once and for all. It's time to settle on someone to run against the temperamental coot whose grand economic plan is to encourage people to waste more gasoline during the summer. Obama is not a perfect candidate, but Clinton has irretrievably compromised herself by this point. She has done McCain's own work for him in her assertions about Obama, and done very little (if anything) to alleviate the hard fact that not only will she be unable to energize the Democratic base, but she will energize the Republican base as much or more than McCain himself will.

Frankly, while his desire is at least rhetorically encouraging, I have my doubts about Obama's ability to actually back up much of his "hope and change" schtick, because of the institutional machinery aligned against actual idealists, and because of us as well. But while he may not be the Bringer of Light that many of his fans wish to believe, he's still not a bad candidate with huge moral flaws. That alone puts him ahead of the other two.

The nominee may, Jebus forbid, end up being Clinton after all. But that would only happen after an ugly, protracted fight culminating in a vituperative, brokered convention, and thence a general campaign that promises to be nothing short of abusive to participants and observers alike. (Like it hasn't been already.)

Which may be the idea, when you think about it from the standpoint of the people who actually dictate policy. What better way to forestall genuine "hope" and "change" than to provide a nasty summer distraction that promises to have the nation at each others' throats?

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