Sunday, August 03, 2008

Cheap Talk

I think Obama is making a huge mistake by playing it safe and not taking McCain up on his um, challenge to debate at staged "townhall" meetings. Provided there are measures taken to keep either candidate from rigging the proceedings with ringers, it seems very much an opportunity to maximize Obama's strengths and McCain's weaknesses, which happen to essentially be the same. So why not? Get up there and pimp-slap the Depends off his ass.

Especially now that, as we see, a substantial chunk of Straight Talk's straight talk now consists of resentful, smug "celebrity" filler, meant to both emasculate Obama and de-emphasize his clearer command of pretty much every issue. It's probably quite effective with the mouth-breathers who are already on board or are looking for an excuse to jump, and Obama shouldn't take it too personally. If Hillary Clinton had become the nominee, right now we'd probably be seeing crude Photoshops of her muff-diving Ellen DeGeneres or something. That how these animals operate, and McCain, who was carelessly ratfucked by his good buddy George W. Bush, just to win the 2000 South Carolina primary, has learned those black arts better than most.

However, as we keep seeing, the low road wins as often as not, so if Obama thinks he's going to walk away hiding behind this high-minded horseshit, he really is out of his depth. He does not have to slap the old man around and calumniate him, but if he's not going there, he should instead prepare to engage him. Stupid attacks do not die out of their own volition, because they are inevitably enabled by a stupid media. You get no points for ignoring a loudmouthed idiot, expecting everyone to just naturally see that he's an idiot.

Like it or not, the #1 criterion that people use for voting for president is that the candidate not be a pussy. These tactics are McCain's only real chance, and he's going to run with it as far as he can.

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