Sunday, August 03, 2008

Love, Actually

Nothing Holy Joe says these days has any import or meaning, except when it's funny, as everything on the Sunday mornin' wankfests always is:

MR. BROKAW: All right. We want to move on if we can. Among other things, Senator McCain has been very adamant about never raising taxes under any circumstances. That prompted this headline in the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal from the commentator Daniel Henninger. He said, "Is John McCain stupid? Is John McCain losing it? He said on national television that to solve Social Security `everything's on the table,' which of course means raising payroll taxes. On July 7 ... he said: `Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't.'" Daniel Henninger concludes, "This isn't a flip-flop. It's a sex-change operation."

SEN. LIEBERMAN: First, let me say that John remains all male. There's no question about that.

And we all had a good laugh at that, no doubt, although if anyone's in a position to know empirically, Lieberman is certainly on the short list. Lieberman goes on to cite his two main reasons for supporting McCain, one of which is the obvious "he's ready" malarkey, the other being that Johnny Mac is the more conciliatory, bipartisan contestant. Obviously, this is more of the usual "the sun don't shine except where our man points" hagiography that both parties indulge in, but ordinarily you would expect a diehard tool of the Mitch McConnell/Orrin Hatch type for this brand of pulp fiction.

Remember, Obama was Lieberman's protégé coming into the Senate. This is like Mr. Miyagi cozying up to Cobra Kai and mugging Daniel-san, just for the hell of it. Usually you don't expect an ongoing ratfuck to be so consistently bland and lifeless, but considering the source, it makes sense. Just out of a basic sense of justice and fair play, I do hope Obama has a deviously retributive plan for Droopy, something out of the "couldn't happen to a nicer guy" file.

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