Sunday, August 03, 2008


Trying my hand at this "Deep Thoughts" game:

There's no such thing as "alternative energy"; it's a disparaging euphemism implying lots of angst and flannel shirts. There are forms of energy that have been harnessed sufficiently so as to form entire political and economic systems dedicated to their utter preservation, no matter the costs. And there are forms of energy we are aware of, but have not bothered to innovate because it hasn't yet been made cost-effective for the aforementioned political/economic systems.

They won't do it unless we foot the bill, in which case why not bankroll new entities to do those things? Instead of paying Exxon to retrofit drilling rigs with wind turbines, so they can keep their eleven-figure quarterly revenues, why not invest less money in more diffuse, diverse startups that aren't already weighted down by obscene executive bonuses and cultural inertia?

1 comment:

  1. It's all solar - it's just about whether it's fresh (solar, tidal) or aged like fine wine (petroleum, coal) or a cheap knock-off (nuclear).
