Sunday, August 03, 2008

Pretzel Logic

More hijinks from Press the Meat:

SEN. KERRY: Well, John McCain was wrong about Iraq. He was wrong about why we ought to go there. He bought into a whole liberation theology about the Middle East with Paul Wolfowitz and others. It's wrong. He was wrong about oil paying for the war. He was wrong about our being greeted as, as, you know, as liberation leaders.

MR. BROKAW: Well, here...

SEN. KERRY: He's been wrong about Afghanistan not being a center of activity against us. He said no one threatens us in Afghanistan. He...

SEN. LIEBERMAN: Well, John McCain was right about the surge, and he had the guts...

SEN. KERRY: He's been wrong...

SEN. LIEBERMAN: go up against President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld and, and public opinion in America because he didn't want America to lose in Iraq and al-Qaeda in Iran to win. Senator Obama took the opposite position...

SEN. KERRY: Let me comment.

SEN. LIEBERMAN: ...wasn't concerned about losing in Iraq. Today...

SEN. KERRY: No, he is always concerned about it.

SEN. LIEBERMAN: ...we're in much better position there because of the guts of John McCain, and that shows you what kind of president each will be. One has experience.

In other words, Barack Obama may have been the guy who suggested not driving into the ditch in the first place, but McCain found a credit card in the glove box with which to call a tow truck. Say, that is formidable judgment!

Oh and, al-Qaeda in Iran? Tenuous operational connections have been theorized, mostly revolving around associations between al-Qaeda and Hezbollah cells involved in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing. Evidence of ongoing operational relationships appears, well, non-existent, and is generally put forth by the people looking for a pretext to attack Iran anyway.

Now, al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia seems to be another story, one that nobody from either party will ever bring up, for obvious reasons. The more Holy Joe preaches about principle, the more plain it is that that is patently untrue, or we would be at least more proactive in dealing with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

As for Kerry appearing with Lieberman, I don't get it. I don't understand why any high-ranking Democrat would appear in public with this guy. He's going to speak at the Republican National Convention, you spineless twats. The thing about the Republicans is that they would have sent this fucker into the desert a couple years ago; Kerry talks about caucusing with him next year. Fuck that noise. He'd better be in the congressional equivalent of shoveling frozen caribou shit in Nome, which I guess would be finding oxy for Rush Limbaugh.

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