Sunday, August 31, 2008

This Just In

I still can't stand Geraldine Ferraro, and I doubt that will ever change.

In an interview with NPR yesterday, Geraldine Ferraro praised Sarah Palin's selection as John McCain's running mate, and defended Palin against the accusation that she's not qualified to hold high office. When asked who she was voting for, Ferraro played coy: "When I go into the booth I will make my decision."

I've already made my decision -- you're a preening, disloyal asshole who needs to grow the hell up and realize that there are more important criteria than plumbing. For example, on what basis is Ferraro even considered a worthy or insightful person to interview? What she did 25 years ago -- which, when you get right down to it, was to function as the anti-Viagra to an already hopelessly flaccid ticket -- is irrelevant today, in and of itself. What has she done since? What does she do now other than petulantly undermine her own party and give credence to old "circular firing squad" memes?

The only reason I registered as a Democrat this year is because in California, you cannot vote by mail as a "decline to state" or "independent". Other than that, I have very little patience with a party that seems to take pride in proving Will Rogers right about its lack of discipline and organization. They need to stop letting the Zell Millers and Joe Liebermans fester under the awning of the party; fucking put them out in the cold already.

There's having a big tent, and there's letting the crazy shopping-bag lady in the corner prattle on and waste people's time. Ferraro needs to either get down to Florida or Pennsylvania or something and help out where she can with whatever cred she still thinks she clings to, or just sit down and shut the hell up until it's over.

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