Sunday, August 31, 2008


Sounds like the party's getting rained out, one by one:

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney will skip the Republican National Convention because of mounting concerns about Hurricane Gustav, the White House said Sunday.

His Homeland Security chief warned that Gustav could prove more challenging than Katrina and the nation's disaster response coordinator worried about New Orlean's fragile levees.

First lady Laura Bush still was scheduled to address delegates in St. Paul, Minn., on Monday, the opening day.

Really, they might as well just go to their convention; they have about as much to do with halting or alleviating the storm as Laura does. By the time this is over, it'll just be Fred and Rudy strutting around the stage, drunk on their false bravado, desperately trying to convince an emptying hockey arena that McCain and this chick he met back in February and didn't bother to vet thoroughly are the best option in a world full of serious threats. Or something.

I'm almost starting to feel sorry for them, if only just enough to hope that their demise is slightly more swift and merciful than previously envisioned.

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