Sunday, October 05, 2008

California Dreamin'

California is indeed more conservative in many pockets than a lot of people realize. But it's an enormous state, both in size and population. Duh. This is just wishful thinking:

Gov. Palin spoke in Buringame [sic] this very afternoon. From an eyewitness:

What caused genuine applause? Well, one line, in particular: near the end of her twenty-minute speech, Sarah Palin told the audience that out on the hustings one comment from supporters has dominated, in frequency, all others: tell people about the real Barack Obama. She said this quietly, without drama. But: thunder, hoots, an ovation.

Wow, that is so cool, dude. So let me get this straight -- Sarah Palin concocted yet another anecdote, this time one about as corroborative as a Tommy Friedman cab-driver story, pulled that bad boy straight out of her pooper, flopped it on the podium and the goobers bought it sight unseen. Gee, you could knock me over with a fuckin' feather. "Thunder, hoots," and an ovation. Sounds like the only thing missing is a steel pole and a couple Whitesnake songs for the dance part of the competition.

Coincidentally enough, I think people have been waiting for Obama and Biden to tell people about the real Sarah Palin, but they'd spend more time trying to list her voluminous lies than going over their actual platform. It's been five weeks, and I still honestly can't think of one thing she's said that hasn't been proven untrue.

You know, if their choices didn't affect the rest of us, I'd say these dullards deserve to be grifted every time by the exact same people, and die broke and penniless. McCain could have dug up the corpse of P.T. Barnum and hit the hustings with it, and these assholes would have waited in line for hours to hoot and smack their Thunderstix all the same.

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