Sunday, October 05, 2008

Kulturkampfers Über Alles

Weekend brilliance from the short-bus crowd [link via TBogg]:

An e-mail: "My husband and I just went to see American Carol. This is a really big deal because my husband has not been to a movie in a theatre since my daughter forced him to see Lord of the Rings, before that, it was Hannah and Her Sisters... So - this was a big, big deal. We went to the 1: 30 show, there was only about 20 people in the theatre, but we all laughed and rolled our eyes.... It was funny in the same way Airplane and Naked Gun. So, I wish more people would see it."

Hey, great story, occasional movie-goer! I sympathize with the urge to avoid paying ten bucks to sit through a half-hour of commercials and two hours of retards answering their cell phones, but when the last two movies you went to the theater for were Lord of the Rings and Hannah and Her Sisters, maybe your vote of self-affirmation is not quite the big, big deal you thought it was. Self-promoting mavericks and all. I betcha hubby don't think Tina Fey's sendups of the Baked Alaskan are as much of a stitch, but it's just a hunch.

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