Saturday, October 25, 2008

Swift Boat Jammietards for Truthiness

The one and only Jon Swift compiles some of the abject foolishness the tardosphere has been perpetuating throughout the campaign season. Apparently Bill Ayers molested Obama and then wrote his memoirs for him, something along that line. I think Bat Boy or some other Weekly World News character may figure into it all as well.

Really, I'm surprised more of them didn't fall for the rather transparent mugger hoax the other day, since they're so willing and able to be gulled by just about anything. (Because not only would this mythical mugger, in the commission of his crime of opportunity, have taken the time to express his idealistic principles by ramping up a simple robbery to felony mayhem, he would have done it by carving a backwards "B" instead of, erm, a simple "O". Jesus Christ, did anybody really believe this drunken cow when her story hit the "news"?)

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Swifty can stand to skim this junk for endless diamonds of stupid, because I just don't have the stomach. These people must have to wear helmets and protective goggles to the dinner table.

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