Saturday, November 01, 2008

Dole and Dumber

It's great that Kay Hagan has refused to take Elizabeth Dole's snide, cheap lies. However, the issue being ignored here is the way atheists are being portrayed as some sort of subspecies, which I suppose is the sentiment of your average hick.

Really, it's a bit of a wonder they allow us to get married, although we go to courthouses rather than churches to do so. But still, you know, without that sacrament, my wife and I must not really be married in the eyes of these people. Nor can we use federal currency since it says "In God We Trust", just so everyone knows where we all stand.

Most of the time, I really don't give a shit, and am content to let these people persist in their tedious delusions. But there are times when their childish impositions test the patience of rational people. Maybe the Romans had a point.

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