Saturday, November 01, 2008

Krusty's Last Stand

So the Straight Talk Express is going to wheeze into SNL tonight. Did they learn nothing from Klondike Barbie's appearance? I guess it qualifies as one of the last of a long line of campaign stunts. Some Joe the Plumber riffs should be in order. Hilarity has no choice to ensue. My friends, this promises to be hackery we can believe in.

Update: Well, it certainly could have been worse. Pretty much as expected, but I would note that if that McCain had popped his head out of the hole more than the race-baiting, red-baiting, chickenshit campaigner we've seen the past six months, he probably wouldn't be in such a hole. McCain can actually be funny and engaging when he wants to, though Tina Fey looks more and more like she needs for Palin to go the hell away ASAP. And Affleck's lampooning of Olbermann was awesome.

I would also note that the audience response J-Mac and the missus got was far more gracious than anything his crowd, with their monkey dolls and incoherent "Ayrab terrist" justifications, would muster for anyone other than Palin herself, much less the Obamas. It's a little thing, but it says a lot about the respective campaigns and the sorts of people each has motivated.

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