Saturday, December 13, 2008


Of course the media is going to try to tie Obama the adventures of poliporn star Rod Caponevich. They're lazy, and it's slightly sexier than reiterating that the economy is shit and we're bailing out millionaires while working people are on their own. Doesn't matter that the whole scandal arose precisely because Obama wouldn't give Long Rod any perks or favors, so the seat got shopped around to the highest bidder.

In fact, it seems that the majority of the working relationship between Obama and Blago was rather contentious, even antagonistic at times. Obama wasn't pallin' around with Stiff PeterSwingin' Rod any more than he was with Bill Ayers. He was acquainted and cooperative with each man to the extent that it was mutually convenient, and that his own political career could be advanced.

The horror. As if glad-handing didn't occur in every marble corridor between Olympia and Dover. Big difference between that and cold-calling potential benefactors like you're Tony Soprano getting a little on the side, which is what separates Blagojevich's crude, self-destructive behavior from virtually every ordinary tool from either party. Even Ted Stevens was more circumspect in his corruption.

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