Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stooges Gone Wild

Shorter Curly Fiorina:

By proposing a bunch of commonsense measures which should have been preconditions to any bailout in the first place, and to which no self-respecting CEO will ever sign off on, we can pre-emptively absolve our beautiful loserdom as we soak the taxpayers.

Business leaders must step forward and be part of the solution by volunteering greater disclosure and accepting responsibilities. Otherwise we will be treated as the source of the problem.

The hell you say. Yeah, "treated", as opposed to, um, recognized as the source of the problem. The main difference between the grasping humps at AIG and the Somali pirates is that the pirates are honest about who they really are.


  1. Y'know, back in the Usenet days we called trolls Energy Creatures.

    Those ECs were just online annoyances. The real ones are these Carly type people. There's just some impulse to fuck everything to death .. even now you'd expect it to halt, to stop and consider .. but no. Never. They won't even fucking get it when they're in the fucking soup line next to me. There is no end, literally, to delusion.

  2. I really admire business leaders because they have much responsibility. They are very smart, but I couldn't handle their stress level.
