Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dick Almighty

Gee, who knew Darth would be an unrepentant asshole about every little thing till the bitter end?

Dick Cheney said Sunday that Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, deserved it when Cheney launched the f-word at him in 2004.

In an interview with "Fox News Sunday," Cheney was asked if he had any second thoughts or embarrassment. "No. I thought he merited it at the time," Cheney said, laughing.

One would hope that at some point the once-beleaguered opposition party would remember these gleeful transgressions, large and small, and act accordingly. And they have, just not in the direction we were hoping for. They're happy just to be back in power; they'll overturn the nastier elements of Cheney policies, sort through the rest, bury a few things, and let the perps walk out of professional courtesy.

Perhaps the rest of the planet will hold Cheney accountable for what we never will. Bottom line is that all he said to Pat Leahy was what he genuinely felt about everyone.

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