Saturday, March 23, 2013

Last Thoughts on CPAC

Here's a thought to warm the cockles of your hardened heart:  Is it just me, or does it really seem like this year's Gathering of the Smuggalos got much less coverage than in the past? In past years, the Arctic Sorceress' doofy stunts would get written up and commented upon for the ensuing week, but this year's scamboogery didn't even make it to the Monday morning yukfests.

In fact, the RNC autopsy got lots more coverage, in no small part because it actually had some intellectual honesty to it, for a change. Confronting the tragic (for them) facts that catering to angry old crackers is no longer enough to get you elected is a huge step for them. Not that the prospect of a Serial-Adulterer/Man-On-Dog ticket wouldn't have been all kinds of hilarious, but the possibility of a deliberately regressive and dysfunctional party starting to get its shit together is much better.

Of course the CPAC will continue on business as usual for at least the next few years while the money wing of the GOP figure out how to get the goofball base to tack center a bit. Besides, there's plenty of bullshit swag to sell to the rubes along with the hotel accomodations and $15 watered-down rum-and-cokes. Hell, I seriously thought for a hot second, after seeing Saint Sarah's stoopid Big Gulp schtick, about setting up a quick-and-dirty CafePress account, writing up a quick slogan, and moving some tee-shirts and bumper stickers on the wingnut fora. As the saying goes.

Anyway. It would be nice to look back and see this latest convention of cray-zay as the swan song of the loudest, most obnoxious and tendentious voices of the pseudo-populist right. We'll see. But at least the lamestream media finally stopped taking the dingbat's bait.

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