Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mockalypse / 12 in '12 Free Promo Week

OK, kids, here's the obligatory leg-humping for Mockalypse and 12 in '12, available now on Kindle. The free promo week is almost done; 12 in '12 is free through Friday, and Mockalypse is free through Saturday. Both will remain free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime.

If you haven't done so already, and even if you did download the PDF version of Mockalypse previously, please take a moment and download these Kindle versions while they're free. While they do consist of previously released material, both ebooks have new forewords, and Mockalypse features a brief snippet of new commentary introducing each post in the collection.

Having the #4 and #5 niche rankings sounds nice, but out of 7 total in the free side of the niche -- eh, not so much. But getting some ranking going during the free week can generate momentum afterward, once hopefully more people get wind. I mean, look at the crap on the pay side of that niche there. I know I'm smarter, funnier, better looking, and just righter than [rolling eyes] Glenn Beck and Greg Gutfeld, or some guy recycling Ronald Reagan schtick.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't grab these free ebooks, and tell everyone you know to grab them, the terrorists win. Or at least smarmy douchebags like Greg Gutfeld and Glenn Beck, and the butt-baby you just know they're hiding in their kidnapped hitchhiker sex dungeon. They win. We can't have that, can we?

And these are completely DIY projects, providing a real learning experience for me in formatting (for general aesthetics, as well as specifically for Kindle), graphic design (admittedly crude for a first time), and getting everything squared to Kindle Direct Publishing specs. Hell, there may be another ebook project in giving a play-by-play of that whole process, from inception to completion.

As I've mentioned here and there over the past few months, I have been building another website, dedicated to rock and metal guitar playing and technique, and I am finishing up a couple of instructional ebooks to put up on KDP for a reasonable price, as well as a lot of free material and resources on the site. I'll be posting more on that site, and the projects, over the next week, if any of you are interested. Stay tuned!

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