Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sex Type Thing

Looks like that skeevy fuck Scott DesJarlais is going to get his fat ass primaried out next year, but still -- if that can be in politics, then Anthony Weiner deserves another shot. After all, going through DesJarlais' laundry list of scumbaggery, his behavior is borderline criminal, and should at least have been unethical enough to cost him his license several times over. Maybe it's okey-doke with the Tennessee medical board (assuming they have one, other than the 2" x 4" type) to fuck your patients and pressure your paramours to get abortions.

On the other hand, Weiner was just an unbelievable dumbass. So he's a narcissist -- show me a politician who isn't. But during his House tenure, Weiner stood out as a guy with balls and principles, who might actually still do something useful.

Hell, even Diaper Dave Vitter is trying to redeem himself somewhat, and hopefully his and Sherrod Brown's TBTF bill succeeds in starting to rein in the thieving banksters. Weiner would be part of that effort as well, one hopes, and right now, that's an effort that needs every bit of help it can get.

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