Sunday, January 05, 2014

Some Folks Is Even Whiter Than Me: The Romneying

In which we are reminded yet again that only Democrats apologize, that no matter who they fuck or who they fuck over, Republicans, conservatives, and teabaggers never ever apologize for anything, however grievous the transgression. You could catch Mitch McConnell abusing puppies and farm animals, and Redneck 'murka would respond with a #StandWithMitch Facebook page. Because fuck you, pussy librul.

On the other hand, every slight from a "liberal" or a "Democrat," however picayune or imaginary, demands blood for blood. You will never hear Willard Mitt Rmoney apologize for calling 47% of Americans moochers and parasites. But some dingbat MSNBC commentator makes a ham-fisted funny, and lawd-a-mercy-Goshen-ta-Christmas, it's on, muthafuckaz.

Hopefully Harris-Perry has learned her lesson, and will reserve future insights and opinions for comparing homosexuality to murder and drunkenness, or talking about how happy blacks really were in the Jim Crow South, before welfare made them all wards of the state. You can say that kind of shit all the live-long day, and people will back you on it. How you like them apples, podna?

Also, too. Holy shit.


  1. So, whatever the hell happened to libruls who take no shit from nobody never? Did we throw them overboard as we decided to write off all working class whites as basically Nixon's redneck spearhead? Is that what Clinton's third way gave us all--blogging ninnies who apologize to Cro-Magnons at every step? Jesus.

  2. Yep, that's exactly what happened -- the DLC/Third Way claque managed to triangulate and castrate rhetoric as much as they did policy. Taibbi had those fuckers' number.

    In a country that only has a far-right and a center-right party, as well as a fully-vested perpetual campaign industry, a multitude of 24-hour channels, a profoundly shitty Supreme Court that enabled the racket, and a citizenry chock-full of malleable retards, it makes sense.

    "Both" "parties" vie for the angry rednecks on the right margin, completely neglecting what passes for the "left" here. That's where the numbers and money live, plus a demographic that, despite their rebellious posturing, are probably the most authoritarian slice of the electorate to be found.

    This is why I've been on the "they get what they deserve" kick for some time, and will probably remain there for the foreseeable future. I can't have any sympathy for people who continue to vote against their rational self-interest.

    Hopefully what passes for the left in this country can organize a viable counter-movement at some point, but I doubt any of us see that in the cards.

  3. Hopefully what passes for the left in this country can organize a viable counter-movement...

    But that's the thing, right? With 'globalization' sending manufacturing out of the country, and 'agriculture' becoming a label for a few behemoths like Monsanto, with 'farmers' being basically indentured servants to them -- the class structure that could support a real left-wing movement had been atomized into nonexistence. Working-class whites have lost the 'working' part of their basis, and so labor is not an easily-mobilizable, almost monolithic political force, but just a pale shadow of what is used to be, plus a bunch of disaffected rednecks alienated from the Left. The 'farmer' part of the Left has likewise been corporatized out of existence. So, the political base for a left-wing movement is now a rag tag collection of white kids with a blog and student debt, single moms, NPR totebaggers, various ethnic minorities, DLC-style 'centrists,' that kind of thing. Without a class interest to unite them, what's gonna keep them together when the going gets tough, i.e. when they have to hunker down in the trenches for the long political battles?
