Tuesday, August 26, 2014

#notallassholes; Or, Shart Week

Taking into account two fresh new stories that might make one consider the merits of capital punishment:

First is the heartwarming tale of one Douglas McAuthur (sic; Jesus H. Christ, do people not own a fucking history book or a liberry card?) McCain. Now, while Doug is not (as far as we know) related to our good friend Poor Ol' Straight Talk, he did make the fateful decision to leave his decadent, meaningless existence in San Diego, and join up with the world's most notorious terrorist group, to bravely slaughter villages of unarmed unbelievers and behead infidel journalists. You can sort of get why a kid in some horrid Middle Eastern despotism might say "the hell with it" and take up arms against whoever and whatever. What possesses a homegrown dipshit to head to one of these god-forsaken places to murder and pillage, who knows? Sounds like he got what he was looking for.

Second is this charming little story from England, where piece-of-shit "gangs" preyed upon children while the authorities turned a blind eye and scorned the victims, some of them as young as 11. Because nothing says "tough guy" like preying on sixth-graders, amirite? Forget all that claptrap of "the state has no right to take life," every one of these gang assholes needs to be lined up against a wall, and the "authorities" that let it go on need to do some serious time. I would seriously suggest that someone who participates or facilitates the gang-rape of children is not a fucking human being, and therefore you're just ridding the world of a rabid animal.

These are the sorts of things that serve as a reminder that the planet won't miss us when we finally push its climate past the point of no return.


  1. Tyrone Slothrop8/29/14, 5:23 PM

    Apparently, the feeling running strong amongst infuriated Rotherhamites is They want shooting, the lot of them. Hard to argue with putting such cretinous scum up against the wall, especially in light of the damage spread throughout the lives of the raped children - suicide, self-cutting, self-loathing. It's the kind of crime, in the perpetration and, most baffling, in the inertia on the part of authorities in the aftermath, that simply boggles the mind...

  2. The sheer scale of the operation, and the number of victims, is stunning. I recall the media-fueled hysteria back in the day over the McMartin Day Care child-molestation ring that later turned out to be non-existent, so I'm loath to jump the gun. But this appears pretty clear-cut, and yes, the inaction from the people who could actually have done something is bizarre.

    This is one of those "High Weirdness" stories -- which almost always took place in England -- that Jeff Wells was so masterful at contextualizing as an at least partially institutional, systematic phenomenon. I really wish he still blogged at RI, though I get why he doesn't anymore. He was plumbing some deep, dark shit, and after a while it doesn't wash off so easily.
