Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Second Amendment Remedies

I'm sorry, but as they say in the 'hood, heh indeedy. Look, this is precisely the sort of thing that gun control advocates have a point about -- this weird "gun culcha" that encourages adults and children to treat dangerous weapons as toys. What kind of an asshole hands a fucking Uzi to a nine-year-old girl? And what sort of moron parents not only allow this, but video it?

You have to be fifteen or sixteen to get a permit to drive an automobile. You have to be sixteen or seventeen in most states to legally have sex or get married. You have to be eighteen to vote, or to fight for your country in the military. You have to be twenty-one to legally imbibe an alcoholic beverage.

So let's pose the obvious question -- in what sane universe with those sorts of age-based regulations does it make sense to allow nine-year-olds to handle automatic weapons? Everyone involved in this is getting exactly what they earned, but sadly the poor girl is going to have to live with the consequences of what the responsible adults with her should have taken care of.

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