Monday, July 16, 2018

Fucking Traitors

One of the very rare times we'll refer to it by its actual name -- Trump is a fucking traitor. Full stop. He is actively undermining the well-being of this nation, every day in every way. He has bullied our friends and sucked up to the worst monsters to be found in this vale of perpetual sorrows.

And now, with today's off-the-chain, unabashed gargling of Putin's balls, he's done everyone a huge fucking favor, because now everyone has to decide where they're at on this. It can no longer be denied, written off, talked around, or otherwise evaded. It is no longer a difference of opinion or interpretation, not that it ever was.

I don't know or care if there's a pee tape -- in fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if there isn't. It doesn't matter. It's an open secret that he's been laundering bratva cash for at least a decade, and the Russians probably got into him earlier in the game.

It's why he won't release his tax returns, even though he promised he would. It's why he won't meet with Mueller, and talks shit about him constantly, ever more frantically, even though he insisted he'd "100%" meet with him. Innocent people have nothing to hide.

So people either understand him for exactly what he's been all along, or they have chosen not to. And for those folks in the latter category, whether they're sanctimonious enablers like Jeff Flake, or your asshole uncle "sharing" whatever bullshit Facebook meme just came his way. your best action is what you'd do if you were accosted by $cientologists or Hare Krishnas -- walk away. Ignore them, or at least recognize that there is absolutely no point in engaging them or arguing with them about politics.

If you see a strange person coming out of your house, chances are they're robbing your house. Just because they then subsequently offer to help you select a security system should not be reassuring. Either you see what's right in front of you and act accordingly, or you chose a baroque, completely ludicrous set of explanations and excuses, this Rube Goldberg machine of nonsense designed to distract you from what you just saw, and keep seeing.

The Director of National Intelligence, handpicked by Fuckface Von Clownstick his own orange self, is a lifelong, traditional, rock-ribbed Midwestern conservative, a former two-term Senator, back when that title was more likely to connote respect and skill. Before the people's representative houses got infested with sanctimonious hypocrites like Scott DesJarlais, window-licking retards like Louie Gohmert, or out-and-out traitors like Paul Ryan and Bitch McConnell.

It's simple:  Dan Coats, former US Senator and current DNI, says with confidence and knowledge that Russia interfered in our electoral process, and continues to do so. The person whose primary responsibility, whose solemnly-sworn oath, is to protect the Republic from all enemies, foreign and domestic, chose out loud to believe the hostile nation headed by a murderous dictator, over his own handpicked director of intelligence. There can no longer be any doubt about where things stand.

Let's stop mincing words:  Vladimir Putin is a murderer. Dissenters and nosy journalists get poisoned, shot, or defenestrated. He shot down a passenger jet, and invaded a neighboring country. Most recently, he has used a banned Soviet-era nerve agent to attack a dissenter in the homeland of our oldest and closest ally.

Russia is our 30th-largest trading partner, and maybe the 15th-largest economy. There is no economic or strategic reason to embrace them to this degree, and reward all their bad behavior. But they have him by the balls on the money laundering, and even without that, he'd do it anyway, he'd take their side every time for free.

That's what a lot of folks might not get about this fucking mutt, this traitor. Russia didn't really need any leverage at all, because he admires Putin, is envious of the absolute control Putin has, wants to be seen as ruthless the way Putin is ruthless, able to dispense of dissenters like so many gnats. It's that simple.

It's why he's had good things to say about Erdogan, Xi, even a third-rate thug like Rodrigo Duterte, who in a decent society would end strung up by his heels at a traffic light, his genitals stuffed into his mouth. It's why he slobbered like a Saint Bernard all over Kim Jong Un, a third-generation monster who victimizes his people and literally murdered his brother in another country, just to send a message. He wishes he could do those things.

The scary part is that there are people in this country who also wish that he could do those things. Not many, not yet. Mostly the jabbering mooks who waddle to the rallies, a comparatively small but still statistically significant cadre of individuals, not "deplorables" but irredeemables, because there's really nothing you can say to them. They're around the bend.

There's a good chance today will be forgotten within the next week or so, because we have become that kind of society now. One political party is shoved into a corner and disempowered, and apparently not riled enough to flood the Sunday follies zone and just start hammering talking points, the way the other party does. And it cannot be overstated how much that other party has collectively betrayed their country, and any principles they might have pretended to have.

He flat-out fucking said at an international summit that he believes a murderous dictator more than he believes his own intelligence director. That can't be repeated often enough.

So if you do find yourself in the position of talking politics with someone who still supports this traitor, just narrow it down to one question:  what exactly would it take for you to change your mind about this asshole? Seriously, if all things he's done and said haven't swayed you, what would do the trick? Another 9/11? A full-throttle economic collapse?

Or maybe there's nothing at all, he could eat a live baby and fuck a goat and shoot an old lady in Times Square, and they'd still be hanging on his tiny wang. In which case, once again, you know where to stand with uncanny precision, and can now act accordingly. Knowing where their true loyalties lie, and that in fact they have none, is oddly empowering if nothing else. Now you don't have to wonder.

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