Monday, July 16, 2018

Helsinki Syndrome

Even before the treasonous, openly collusive press conference this morning, the thing that should not be in office went on record just hours prior referring to the EU as a foe, to our closest allies as foes. That makes sense, since he's been treating them as foes.

He thinks NATO is one his fleabag "resorts," where he sticks members for exorbitant rates to eat shitty meat loaf and watch him drive his golf cart on the fairways. He thinks a trade deficit means Europe "took" money from us, because he doesn't know what trade deficits are or mean.

The tide cannot truly turn until all of our aggrieved friends and allies -- Canada, Britain, Germany, France -- quit complaining about what an asshole he is, and simply stand up to him. Push back, tell him to go fuck himself.

Because Generalissimo Babyfingers is a proud graduate of the Ike Turner School of Management, that's really all he knows, this dynamic of smacking up a bitch, and then half-heartedly "apologizing":  Baby, why you make me hit you like that? Just imagine how emotionally stunted the people who have stayed in his employ must be, in order to do so. He is a toxic soul, and such things are contagious and pervasive. The tap water in the Org building probably tastes like tear-stained despair. And lead, sprinkled with asbestos particulates.

We got a mulligan with our allies and friends after the Fredo Arbusto regime, though poor Obama's staff has admitted that for much of 2009, they did have to mount something of a charm offensive with primary allies, reassuring them that the last guys were an anomaly. It doesn't take much imagination to visualize their reluctance this time around to come around to such overtures, assuming we're even able to weed these motherfuckers back out of office and into the gutter whence they sprung.

The retaliatory tariffs are a good start as far as responses go, and we'll see how the effects start targeting the stubborn rubes in Schmucklandia. That's only fair, after all; you made your beds, folks, now go die in them. It's about as close to targeting his actual voters for adverse effects, rather than collective punishment, as you're likely to find.

Anyway. There are no two ways about this, no other options to be had. Forget the Golden Rule, especially when it comes to this guy; the principle one should have in mind instead is people will treat you how you let them treat you. He treats you like shit, because you haven't given him any reason not to.

They have schoolyard bullies in Europe and Canada, don't they? Of course they do; assholes are universal, even when they have funny accents and eat weird things. And the rules for dealing with such people are also universal.

Our erstwhile allies and friends have to reach the same conclusion that our own voters must reach:  this asshole will continue to fuck with you until you fight back. You don't have to take his shit. "Norms" and "rules" of "diplomacy" have been tossed; stop continuing with the charade that they are still in effect. This is a street fight, a barroom brawl.

And this cannot be repeated often enough, either, fella 'murkins:  make a list of shows and advertisers, generate a 150-word form letter, and do a single mass bcc send telling all these companies what you're boycotting and why. Everything with the name "Fox" on it, not just the "news" channel. Everything with Mark Burnett's or Harvey Levin's or Piers Morgan's grubby, jism-stained fingers on it. I'm sure you can think of others. The only loyalty any of these scumbags have is to the almighty buck, so make them care.

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