Saturday, August 11, 2018

A Feature, Not a Bug

Since the day this downtrodden nation of ours was inflicted with the venomous scowl and unearned sense of self-regard that makes up the entirety of Omarosa Manigault, it has been useful to point to her as a prime example that women can be assholes too. I am not kidding in the slightest when I say that I sincerely hope that her two-ply tell-all sells three copies. Who knows, she might actually have to go out and ply an honest trade.

She's just fucking awful, I guess is what I'm trying to say, and I can't imagine who in the world could possibly be edified by her "revelation" about Agent Orange, a man that Manigault has worked for or vicariously tried to work for multiple times on a lame-ass fake-tycoon teevee show. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she took that bullshit White House job, and copped an attitude when she took it, talking about how everyone would have to kneel before Zod and such. Seriously, fuck her.

Does anyone out there, regardless of political persuasion, believe that the verified existence of a tape of Clownstick uttering the n-word and c-word over and over again would change anything? Hell, you could play a video of it on the nightly news of him openly ranting that shit, and his cult would double down. That's how they talk and think about those subjects.

Forget the dog-whistle, he bullhorns that shit all the time, and has for decades. He got his start in the 1970's having to pay fines to the Nixon Administration for housing discrimination. He took out full page ads calling for the summary execution of the Central Park Five, and continues to insist upon their collective guilt, years after they were all exonerated.

Even his more recent kerfuffles with blacks, betray a certain mindset. He's repeatedly referred to Maxine Waters as "low IQ," and recently disparaged both Don Lemon and Lebron James, specifically in their intellectual capacities. You think a video of him laughing about "dumb niggers" would change anything? Hell, it would only reinforce what he's been saying forever.

This is why people -- black, white, or otherwise -- shouldn't be falling for the overtures any black celebrity pays to this piece of shit. Kanye West was a fucking asshole when he heckled Taylor Swift, and he's still a fucking asshole, and delusional to boot. (And his music has always been shit as well; all the critics who've sucked his dick over the years need to clean their ears out -- he's never been anything but a no-talent hack.) Omarosa would have taken their money as long as she could have, n-word or no. All those black ministers who show up to the fealty photo-ops are hucksters, selling fifty-dollar vials of oil and prayer towels to suckers, so they can buy a better Gulfstream and buttfuck more teenage boys.

For years I've observed exactly which "black friends" Clownstick has cultivated for public display, and they've always been the worst of the worst: Don King; OJ Simpson; Mike Tyson; Ray Lewis; Dennis Rodman; and of course, Kanye and Omarosa. Go ask Chuck D what he thinks of those assholes. It's a modern form of minstrelsy, and they should all be ashamed of themselves for letting him use them as props.

It's not exactly untrue that the Democrats have taken their black voting base for granted, but that is orthogonal to the fact that the Republicans routinely trot out trophy blacks to lamely try to conceal their rapacious policies that overwhelmingly affect poor black people. I don't have to drink Flint's poisonous tap water; my kid doesn't attend Baltimore's run-down schools.

So people such as those jive-turkey bloggeristas Diamond & Silk oughta be reminded frequently of exactly what they're really supporting, and that goes equally for shameless opportunists like Omarosa Manigault, and insufferable shitheads like Kanye West.

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