Saturday, August 11, 2018

Fight Club

Recently attorney Michael Avenatti has been rumbling about running for president in 2020, and there have been some responses at various blogs and Twitters that I frequent. Many of the takes are, let's say, not exactly glowing.

I am willing to bet a cold hard C-note that Avenatti never makes a serious bid for running. I don't think running is his point. True, he is a shameless publicity hound, but he has the benefit of actually having something to say. There is a point to Avenatti appearing on MSNBC every couple days, certainly more so than the current thing in the Oval Office, with his morning-dump rage-tweets every motherfucking day.

It occurs to me that fighting -- more specifically, girding potential Democratic candidates to fight -- is Avenatti's point. People have gravitated to his pugnacious style, and they're right to do so.

Unfortunately, we're in an era where performative outrage counts as much or more as real outrage. It's pathetic, and it says a lot about the societal conditions of late-stage capitalism and an empire in rapid decline, but it's the deal all the same.

Do you want Fuckface Von Clownstick to go down in ignominious defeat, and slither back to his crumbling Manhattan twit-hole? Good, that's a start. Now, whoever goes up against that gaping asshole is going to have to pack a lunch, because he's obviously to going to lie and cheat and bullshit and bully his way through this. He's going to pull things completely out of his ass, not bother to brush away the peanuts and corn, slap it on the table and defy you to call him out on it.

That's been his sole move so far, and you know what? It's worked for him quite well. Because everyone is still playing by the Before Rules, while Calvin runs around playing Calvinball.

At worse, Avenatti is challenging Democrats to sack up and get in the ring, because Clownstick is a cheap cock-puncher who's going to fuck them up if they insist on sticking to the old Marquess of Queensberry rules. People want someone who's going to scrap, and not take any shit, and not get bogged down in thousand-word policy positions and focus-grouped responses.

Anyone planning to run who can't just flat-out admit that they don't like broccoli, or that their favorite ice cream is rocky road, or that they like Dijon mustard or Swiss cheese, needs to just step the fuck off right now and save us all the headache. And when they get criticized and calumniated by the Fixed Noise flying monkeys, they need to take a tip from Snowflake and fire back on them, call out Fucker Carlskin and Melonhead Hannity and ask what the fuck is wrong with them, if they get paid by the lie or what.

The midterms are going to be bad enough, and if the Dems can't roll in strong in ninety days, then you can already count them out for 2020. But they probably will make a dent in November, and if they wish to carry that momentum forward and build on it, they will have to put aside their quaint notions about decorum and civility and comity.

Either you genuinely believe that the nation and its institutions are being imperiled, and you act accordingly, or you don't. It's that simple. I don't give a flaming fuck about Michael Avenatti's lack of political experience. If he somehow won the Democratic nomination for president in the 2020 election, I'd vote for him happily. I want those fucking monsters out of there, and their miserable death cult terminated with extreme prejudice. I'd fucking vote for Stormy Daniels if that's what it took.

1 comment:

  1. "Either you genuinely believe that the nation and its institutions are being imperiled, and you act accordingly, or you don't."
    Hear, hear! If only the Democratic Party would!
