Saturday, August 11, 2018

They Ask Questions, Slight Return

Speaking of mediots and accountability, someone's eventually going to need to step forward and explain why Megan McArdle is allowed to fail upward forever. I don't recall ever reading anything of hers that even qualified as a fresh take, much less a cogent insight.

But here she flat-out rips aside the curtain, exposes what we all already knew -- that the financial system is and always has been completely rigged for people of wealth and power -- and says, "What's the problem?"

Maybe the problem is that there is this enormous, pervasive industry in print and television and radio of "hot take" pundits who say and write stupid things, and are never held accountable for any of it. They don't have to accurate or even sensible; in fact the stupider and more inflammatory they are, the better off they usually do. Again, it's all about the money in the end, never the ideology.

This is your meritocracy, America. How do you like it?

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