Saturday, August 11, 2018

They Ask Questions

Anne Applebaum spends several hundred words and some column inches asking what most people can answer with, say, six words:  Laws only apply to little people.

People like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone get away with their nefarious bullshit for generations because they know the right people, and more likely than not they possess incriminating information on them. Not that they need it; it is, as we've always said, a game of money and not really of ideology, and as such, people who bring in money are always protected to some extent.

Ideology is just something cobbled together to keep the proles distracted. Filthy pelf is where it's really at. This is not exactly a secret; hell, they don't even bother to conceal it.

I veer and vacillate between predictions, knowing full well that prognostication is a total fool's game in this worst-of-all-timelines. In a rational world, Manafort would be convicted with aggravating circumstances, and be sentenced to a traitor's fate in the Florence ADX super-complex, 23 hours a day of solitary confinement until he keels over from all the fecal matter clogging his arteries. The emperor is impeached and summarily deposed, and the GOP is permanently quashed as a functioning political institution. The hard work of rebuilding a disintegrated polity begins anew.

But nothing makes sense anymore, so the best bet is on the most absurd thing:  Manafort gets convicted, in this trial and his upcoming one next month; the emperor pardons him, as is his wont; the mediots bumble and rustle and fulminate, getting their pundit petticoats in full dudgeon; the basetards, emboldened by His Travesty's ongoing contempt for the RULE OF LAW, make it into their collective contempt as well. Just enough Dems win in the midterms to take the House but not the Senate, which is at least enough to hamstring Snowflake until 2020, which will then be the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAR.

And it all comes back to the basic fact that everyone talks a good game about accountability, but it always and only reserved for people who are too broke to defend themselves in court and hire good PR people.

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