Thursday, August 02, 2018

Boycott Spotify

It's not exactly a news flash that Alex Jones is a piece of shit. Currently he's seeking $100k in court costs from the parents of Noah Pozner, one of the young children murdered in the Sandy Hook hoax massacre.

So, you see, it might be understating things a bit to refer to Jones merely as a piece of shit. He's far worse than that, but it's difficult to quickly come up with a word that encompasses just how huge a fucking turd Jones really is.

Jones lost a bunch of advertisers from his YouTube channel earlier this year, but apparently Spotify still carries his lie-peddling podcast. This is still 'murka, and we all still have a right to free speech.

But we all may want to consider where we want to draw a line. A person certainly has a "right" to write and post (for example, certainly not an endorsement) slash-fic type crap that involves children or extreme violence or torture or pick-your-own-most-awful-thing, without being imprisoned for that speech, so long as they don't act on it or overtly incite other to act on it.

That right does not extend to compelling advertisers to support the medium by which such shit gets carried. And the same holds for Jones; he certainly has every right to record his lies and subhuman filth, verbal diarrhea that inflicts ongoing pain to parents of slaughtered first-graders. But he has not right to expect companies to disseminate that shit for him, much less for him to get paid for it.

So my daughter and I both have premium Spotify accounts, and they are now cancelled, and I've told them why. Maybe if enough people do the same, they'll step up.

Jones is fucking scum. I hope his ex-wife takes every penny, and he never sees his kids again, and that they know why, and Jones ends up selling oranges and handjobs (not necessarily in that order) at the nearest freeway off-ramp.

It's time to stop fucking around with these people, all of them. Spotify is a relatively neutral actor in a huge ecosystem that has far worse critters slithering through. Boycott them all the same. Boycott anything and everything with the name Fox on it, not just the propaganda channel. The fucking Simpsons cast and the football announcing crew are getting paid in agitprop scrip. So fuck them. I don't know about you, but I've had it with all of them. I want my country back.

Anything with Mark Burnett's name on it too. Reality teevee has ruined this fucking country, made it stupid beyond belief, and susceptible to this traitorous clown. That's bad enough; it should be intolerable that Burnett is also a friend to this bastard. Burnett and his wife can talk about Jebus and family all they want, but their deeds support the most ungodly (in every sense of the word) person to hold high office. They should be ashamed of themselves, but their money insulates them from consequences.

These people need to be made destitute. It's the only thing they understand.

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