Thursday, August 02, 2018

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Dipshit?

The Vichy Times does its weekly weakly chore and dumps another insufferable "be kind to assholes and racists" word log. Do your duty 'murka, flush twice!

I don't want to bother with yet another ass-spelunking of yet another completely useless article. (Except perhaps to briefly note for the record that no one is ever going to write or publish an article ministering to racists and morons to reach out to godless heathen sybarites. Funny how that works.)

I bring it up only by of comparison to another type of "journalistic" effort that seems primed to supplant the Cletus safari variants. This type is being spearheaded by CNN's Jim Acosta, who seems to think his plaints about incivility have any practical use.

No doubt Acosta sees himself as doing the Lord's work in his chosen vocation. But frankly, it's tough to see what function Acosta actually serves. At all.

Think about it:  the guy goes to these stupid fucking carny conventions, where he is penned like a farm animal with other would-be journos, for these clown-cult gastropods to waddle by and spit and scream at and give the finger to. Acosta then transcribes the proceedings, from the clown's lies to the cultists' mindless adoration of those lies. Then Acosta hangs out for a while afterward and talks to the marching morons, shoots a few selfies with them.

And when he's not at the cult rallies, Acosta goes to the "press conferences," which are neither of those words, where he and the rest of the farm animals go through the dreadful routine of asking "questions" of Baghdad Barb, only to have that wonk-eyed cow sneer and lie to them. Some job.

Maybe Acosta has a terminal case of Stockholm syndrome. Whatever. But the fact is that no one forces him and his colleagues to attend these wretched affairs, and nothing useful is ever gleaned from any of them.

Someone should tell Jim Acosta and the rest of them that there is literally no point to what they do. They do not inform the public, because we already know that the fuckers they stenograph do nothing but lie and treat everyone with contempt. They do not protect the republic, because these fuckers don't give a shit about "norms" or "rules" or even the republic itself. They shit on your reportage, hoss.

There's a metric fuckton of stories that could be generated on these animals; arrogance, belligerence, and ignorance are a potent combination. What do you think the odds are that there's enough crap out there, solid stories that would be interesting and informative and maybe even make a real difference, for every herd journo that cowers in the press room just of habit, like battered spouses, waiting with bated breath to transcribe one more lie, one more outburst, for a populace that gave up caring a long time ago.

If Acosta is looking for sympathy for his travails, he should go make donuts or inseminate turkeys, either of which would be more useful than what's been doing. If he's looking for respect, maybe he should start doing respectable work. Because this is bullshit.

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