Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Ladies' Night

Look, no one is ever going to mistake me for Brad Pitt, and I'm sure this will annoy many of my politically correct fellow travelers, but the takeaway from this Daily Crawler puff piece is that the four, um, females (I guess) are most notable for the fact that the Most Femnist Parsdent Evar would be the first to tell everyone how completely homely and unfuckable they are.

To paraphrase an old joke, if symptoms persist after four hours, don't worry about calling your doctor -- just look at that photo.

But the main point is not a joke. If Ronna RMONEY McDaniel takes her name back, or Baghdad Barb Huckabilly Sanders has a come-to-Jebus moment and renounces her ongoing service to Satan, or Kellyanne Conway has to make a decision between her marriage and her "career" as political fluffer, you can bet real cash that at some point, Mister Grab 'em by the Pussy will be sure to drop some sort of "looksist" shade on them. Count on it.

No insult is too small, no detail too petty. He's a doddering, senile piece-of-shit with a tenth-rate intellect and a memory of a concussion victim, but the one thing that asshole tattoos on his perfectly smooth brain is fucking grudges. They used to say that Barbara Bush knew how to hate, but Fuckface Von Clownstick lives for it. And if any of these dingbats turns on him, he will get personal. It's his go-to move.

In the meantime, if women have no problem selling their souls -- as well as other women -- to a serial predator, I have no compunction about calling 'em as I see 'em. They're fugly as sin, inside and out.

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