Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hate Rally Arena Capacity Update

The Charleston Civic Center has a maximum capacity of 13,600. It is not clear how full the arena was for the rally, but since this inbred-rube habitat of a state is still 2:1 in the tank for Commander Combover, it's entirely possible that it was packed, with more dullards milling around the parkin' lot bemoaning their luck. But hey, just being in proximity to his musky greatness has to be intoxicating, amirite?

Given the two shoes dropping yesterday, His Travesty has to be on the verge of a total meltdown, and he certainly had some moments last night. Remember, these stupid rallies are always under the pretense of campaigning for this or that local dipshit's congressional effort. In this case the stop was for whatever sap is running for Joe Manchin's Senate seat. But of course the candidate gets about two minutes to state his case, then he just straps on to daddy's back fat and rides for an hour or so.

There was one clip that's been replayed a few times already this morning, where Shithead repeats the word "collusion" five times in the space of about ten seconds, maybe twenty words total. The last iteration of the c-word is oddly singsong. It's like he thinks the repetition of the word has some sort of magickal property, as if Candyman or Sarah Palin will suddenly appear behind them. Certainly it does seem to lull the cult into their rally trance.

So here's the deal for these retard rally motherfuckers -- this is collusion, or more accurately, conspiracy. Disingenuous snipes about how Mueller's investigation has sprawled, or how Manafort is getting convicted for less-than-recent crimes, will only fool the willingly gulled. It's like they're suddenly finding out that racketeering investigations seldom end where they started, or that a serial-killing thug like Al Capone finally got tapped for tax evasion.

There's this show that's been on the air for some time, in multiple iterations, called Law & Order. Perhaps some of these epistemic-closure doofuses have heard of it.

The continuation of the "lock her up" chant, after all this time, may be the most salient point about the true intellectual level of these crowds. They are collectively dumber than a fucking box of rocks. You wouldn't trust a single one of these dopes to clean your gutters or change the oil on your car.

Not that anyone who would attend one of these rallies would be caught dead reading this blog, but there's always that off chance that one of the bigger librul fish sees this and amplifies this minor observation:
The Republican Party currently controls all three branches of government. If they wanted to initiate an investigation into Hillary Clinton for anything, from Uranium One to Her Emails, they could have started multiple such investigations at any time. At some point it may dawn on at least one (1) of these knuckle-dragging, cousin-fucking gastropods that there's a reason that no such investigation has occurred, or is even being proposed. DURRRR, WHY D'YA THINK THAT IS, GEEN-YUSS?
Hell, it might even dawn on one of our intrepid corporate mediots to ask that very same question, to the rubes and to the key players in this five-monkeys-fucking-a-football clusterfuck of an administration. Just keep asking it, over and over and over until their heads asplode, instead of stenographing his lies and their trained-seal responses to each of them.

It wouldn't hurt to also remind them periodically that the revenue from all that faggy magat swag they sport goes to pay off the skanks their hero porked a decade or so ago. For someone who's such a great deal-maker, he sure seems to pay a lot for sex.

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