Sunday, August 19, 2018


The Universe, God --
a celestial cat with infinite paws
      and infinite claws
            an infinite number of mice to play with
a lucky few get away for awhile
the rest are caught and let go,
      caught and let go,
for just long enough to think they're free
      in the light, in the clear
            out in the open air
if only for a moment

until the day, somewhere down the road
after all the hopes and dreams and ambitions
      all the love and sex and passion
            have come and gone
                  stumbled back and gone again
                        this time forever

....the mouse looks up, spent
      Just eat me, fucker.


  1. Wow, I can really relate to this poem. It's no more pessimistic than my attitude to life. I only wonder, do you actually see these anonymous comments? Or am I just talking to the wind? I guess it doesn't really matter. I saw your poem. It moved me

  2. I do read every comment, but I don't always respond. I appreciate the feedback, as I was wondering if maybe the poem was a little too dark and nihilistic.
