Saturday, February 16, 2019

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

If there was somehow any shred of reasonable doubt in the mind of any honest broker as to the thief executive's mental stability and/or acuity, it has to be completely gone after yesterday's dunk into sheer weirdness.

From the bizarre sing-song about the courts, and the national emergency, and the appeals, and so forth, to -- Christ, obviously the whole fucking thing was off the rails. Seriously, who supports this deranged goofball anymore, other than the scumbags in Congress whose careers depend on him?

Obviously, it was really another campaign rally, rather than any sort of policy speech, but considering the locale and the preliminary subject, there have to be some sort of norms and mores enforced regarding some of the more contemptible things he uttered.

One is that he openly scorned the data from his own federal Drug Enforcement Agency, for no better reason than that their data regarding drug interdiction contradicts his weird sex fantasies about bound and duct-taped women being smuggled across the Rio Grande three and four at a time, in the back of a windowless van. This is just plain stupid, and if no one from the DEA or ICE or the Border Patrol is going to step up and say no, that isn't true, then they're part of the problem, period.

Second, and more importantly, is when Trump alluded that Obama had told him privately (presumably during the transition period) that Obama was about to start a "big war" with North Korea over their nuclear program. I don't see how this can be dismissed; obviously, any such conversation would have been highly privileged and not for open reveal, and it poses huge potential implications for national security. If nothing else, Obama himself needs to issue some sort of verbal or written communication clarifying this.

It cannot be said enough times:  the reason this fucking monster got this far, and keeps getting away with everything, is because no one has the goddamn stones to step up and say no. Fuck no. Why is this so hard to understand?

Look, I do get it. The assumption among each of the parties he defames or insults is that it won't do any good to refute or respond, people will either just believe it because they're in the cult, or move on because there's so much going on every moment. Fair enough. But there's always a statistical chance that speaking up might accomplish something, and that speaking up every time could have a cumulative effect at some point, while doing nothing is guaranteed to enable and embolden him for the next stunt.

The "national emergency" declaration has very little to do with the wall, which he only wants in the first place as an abstract affirmation of his power and glory. It will make the cult morons that much more devoted to his nonsense. All those losers have to brighten their dismal, failed lives is the mistaken notion that their addled clod-emperor is making libtard snowflakes cry.

But what this is really about is him pushing and testing the limitations of executive power, with the knowledge that the senators in his party will not challenge him on anything. He could propose to nuke an American city ('specially a libtard city, amirite?), and Graham and McConnell would be okey-doke with all that, while Sasse and Romney would stroke their chins and murmur disapproval before voting along with it anyway.

It's also an attempt to distract from what's coming, from his dipshit son being indicted in the next few weeks, from his campaign manager about to spend the rest of his miserable life in Club Fed, from the federal districts in New York and Virginia getting ready to take turns crawling up his fat ass and making him broke again. He's terrified of having his tax returns made public, and it might be something if just a few of those devoted rally dupes asked themselves why that is.

Then you have folks like Jim Kunstler, who pretends to not support Trump, but never seems to actually oppose the constant mendacity and lies. Kunstler not only thinks the Mueller investigation is bogus, but apparently subscribes to some ludicrous QAnon-style conspiracy theory that postulates that the entire Department of Justice plotted to ruin this good Christian outsider who just wanted to drain the darn swamp, doncha know. They musta legalized some ultra-high-grade weed in that state, 'cause homey's brain deep in some serious dank to believe that ass-backwards bullshit.

I sincerely hope Kunstler someday gets the opportunity to float that air biscuit past Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Thuhd, a loyal lackey who surely would have sucked a roomful of filthy hobo cocks for the chance to nail Hillary Clinton's hide to the wall. Kunstler seems never to have heard of Ockham's Razor, preferring to believe a hopelessly baroque sequence of events and causalities, the exact opposite of what's right in front of our eyes.

This hapless gang of dipshit PR flacks and criminals, noisy assholes like Roger Stone and lifelong bastards like Paul Manafort -- who have been business partners for over thirty years and both known Trump for even longer, Manafort lives in the fucking tower, a couple floors below the Russian mobsters and the Saudi embassy, for fuck's sake -- have done every conceivable thing to make it clear that they were all in cahoots on this.

You want to change history with a time machine, the day after you throw Baby Hitler off a bridge, head for NYC in the late Fifties and shove Roy Cohn in front of a fucking train. Seriously. Stone, Manafort, and Trump all learned the fine art of ratfucking and propaganda at the rug-burned knee of Uncle Roy.

But no, Kunstler is determined to believe that cabals of bland career derp-state bureaucrats were just waiting around their entire lives for this comic-book goon to engineer an improbable electoral victory, just to give Andrew McCabe and his fellow empty suits a chance to collude and obstruct and foment a coup. Okay then.

The main reason Kunstler is still on the blogroll is for sheer comedic value, a cautionary tale at best. I suppose he finally exhausted his stockpile of "back to an energy-free feudal state" collapse fantasies, and had to cultivate a different set of fantasies, but this is around the bend and back again. I wish he'd go back to his usual schtick of predicting total free-fall into violent anarchy every other week. That actually made some sense.

Thing is, a lot of people prefer to believe the sort of foolishness Kunstler's peddling, instead of what's right in front of them and has been for a very long time -- that Trump has always been an inept con-man, preferring loyalty over competence in his lackeys, with a higher disparity in those factors than most.

His sons have been balls-deep with the Russians for years, and bragged about it repeatedly; his son-in-law has the Saudis and Qataris on his personal WhatsApp, and got them to carry the paper on his billion-dollar white elephant at 666 Fifth Avenue. Trump sucks up to Putin like he's auditioning for the lead in a Deep Throat reboot. He's had five closed-door meetings with Putin, and he personally seized the interpreters' notes from those meetings. Totally innocent behavior.

And now today's Rose Garden fiasco, which is simply the latest in a long string of similar performances -- lies and innuendo and calumny, strung together with zero coherence, not even trying to conceal the brazenness of it all, defying you to call him a LIAR.

How dumb do you have to be to ignore all that evidence right in front of you? Hold my beer, says Kunstler. Whatever. We don't have time for that bullshit anymore. Liars and fabulists need to be cut loose from the realm of objective discourse. Fortunately Kunstler's crankery still has some humor value. But the nonsense still needs to be pointed out, like the lies and criminality of dangerous retards like Trump and his henchmen. Can't let it stand anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I actually used to follow Kunstler. My profession is urban planning, and he was making some funny points about the "National Automobile Slum" we have chosen to create in these benighted states over the past fifty years. I actually saw him speak at the Palace Hotel, a gaudy relic in Downtown San Francisco. (Can I confess I prefer modernist simplicity to that kinda stuff?)

    The energy free feudal collapse stuff became worrying. As was the "we should drop nuclear bombs on every Arab city" shtick. I had no idea Kunstler was a TRUMPALO, though (Have not followed hum in quite a while. There are a worrying number of people I otherwise respect, including some of the commentariate at Naked Capitalism.
