Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Perhaps Flying Water Tankers

I know that I push the theme of His Travesty's innate stupidity so frequently, it probably seems like schtick after a while, or at least an exaggeration borne of loathing for the man.

No, dear reader, I assure you:  he really is a fucking moron. You would have thought that at some point in his too-long and utterly pointless existence on this here material plane, Trump would have had some sort of conversation with some sort of representative from the FDNY. Even if it was just to find out which palm to grease in order to circumvent fire safety requirements for his inherited portfolio of fleabags and ratholes, Trump must have had at least a surface discussion, somewhere along the line, about how building fires are extinguished.

You don't have to be a civil engineer to figure out the ramifications of dumping hundreds of gallons of water -- that is to say, tons of water -- onto a thousand-year-old structure in the midst of renovations in the middle of a huge city, as if it was an uninhabited stand of pine trees out in the middle of BFE.

Of all the annoying traits that seep out of this geriatric idiot, this may be the most annoying and perplexing, the need to two-cents issues that not only don't concern him and don't need for him to weigh in on, but that also reveal his complete ignorance on the subject -- every subject -- in the first place.

Hell, out here in Cali, most of us are old enough to recall when Agent Orange insisted that the forests needed to be "raked" in the name of responsible fire prevention. Welp, more than half of our forests are federally managed, and I'll be damned if there's been any indication of hiring said yard implements. Another promise kept!

As with everything else that manages to escape his ridiculous, puckered burger-hole, this is simply the usual blowhard "man of action" rhetoric for the rubes, like the Frenchies want or need anything from us. If anything, it takes one back to a simpler time, when he was merely an ankle-biting pervert who used his pageant as an excuse to check out young "talent" (in the skeevy perv-bro sense), and his Twitter account to give dating advice to Twilight actors.

In a week where we are seriously relitigating 9/11, it's useful to note another clear and obvious contrast:  French billionaires have already stepped up to pledge hundreds of millions of euros each to contribute to Notre Dame's repairs, even though the Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest organizations on the planet, doesn't pay taxes, and can easily afford to foot the bill on its own. Trump after 9/11, on the other hand, crowed that he now had the tallest building in the city, claimed to have gone to dozens of funerals that he never attended, and chiseled money out a fund that was set up to help small businesses in the wake of the nation's worst terrorist attack. Fucking scumbag.

They keep imploring us to Never Forget. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten.

Seriously, there is nothing in this world that can't be made just a little bit worse by this doddering piece of shit picking at it like a scab under his hairpiece.


  1. A person who is halfway smart knows when to keep his mouth shut when he doesn't know shit. Someone who's so stupid that he doesn't know how stupid he sounds is stupid indeed. Sad thing is, there are lots of people who are so stupid that they think the LOUD stupid guy is ONTO SOMETHING! They'd say the same damn things if they had a big enough platform! And fuck you, you smarties who say the stupid guy is saying stupid shit. You think you're so smart! /s/

    The Three Stooges have come to life and leapt out of the 1940s celluloid. Dr. Dunning, meet Mr. Kruger. The Five Laws of Human Stupidity is the modern age's zeitgeist. Mass stupidity does not end well...
