Wednesday, July 03, 2019

An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. Do your job. dO yOuR jOb. Do your JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB. DO YOUR JOB.

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, I am sick of listening to these people whine and pule their way through this, over and over and over again. It has been established that this administration has done countless "unacceptable" things already. If only the American gubmint contained an entity that was constitutionally empowered and mandated to deal with such situations, rather than just bleating and complaining every day about it. Schumer's even worse. If this is the best the Democratic party can do, it's no wonder people say fuck it and vote Republican. At least they get shit done.

Do your job already, lady. You're the majority leader, so lead your majority. Herd your cats, twist the necessary arms, get them singing the song, start the investigations, flood the zone. Get off Twitter and away from the cameras, and punch some backroom kidneys and exercise some goddamned party discipline. We're tired of the excuses. Either do something, or step off and we'll vote someone in who will. Or we'll stay home, since there's no point.

The sentiment of the midterm election could not have been clearer. At some point, ineptitude becomes complicity. It seems that we have reached that point. You keep that in mind as we approach 2020, bokay? There are no good options anymore. There is only dying on your feet, or living on your knees.

This is not a purity-pony "not pergressive or woke enuff" litmus test here, this is just a basic "these people are breaking the law, and you are doing nothing about it" situation. Quit waiting for Mueller to hold your hands yet again, and take a look at your job descriptions.

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