Wednesday, July 03, 2019


You know, it's almost a shame that no one besides the kneepad hacks at Fox is bothering to broadcast His Travesty's celebratory dick-waving fundraiser. The weather's going to be horrible, no one's going to show except a handful of fat bikers and some Antifa types, they have two small tanks and two Bradley APCs parked, because they'll wreck the streets if they drive them. I mean, who's the entertainment, Tim Allen and Kid Rock, something like that? It would almost be worth checking out just for the hilarity.

This is par for the course, especially for someone who cheats at golf and drives a cart on the fucking fairway. This discount asshole fucks up everything he touches. Every. Fucking. Thing. Might as well fill up a dumpster, set it on fire, and roll it into the National Mall. Happy birthday, 'murka!

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