Saturday, August 10, 2019

Murder on the MCC Express

Everyone had a motive for wanting Jeffrey Epstein dead -- Trump, the Clintons, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Leslie Wexner, and many more. It reads like a list of Lizard People Who Really Run The World from one of David Icke's books.

I recently read James Patterson's Filthy Rich, a profile of Epstein's life and crimes that, while not exactly investigative or revelatory, at least effectively curates all things Epstein into one concise volume. To be sure, Epstein's crimes against teenaged girls are disgusting and unforgivable. But many facets of the story are interesting, in particular two recurring factors:

  1. Epstein ingratiated himself with the movers and/or shakers of the 'murkin cultural elite by engaging in their favorite contact sport -- philanthropy. By donating (or promising to) large amounts of money to relatively liberal and progressive causes, and convening scientists and politicians and such, Epstein managed to create a nice little club of high-profile defenders for when his behavior was finally uncovered. Consequently, he got a sweetheart deal from Alex Acosta, who frankly comes across in Patterson's book as a career tool who got steamrolled by people much further up the ladder. In other words, Acosta didn't necessarily desire a cushy deal for Epstein so much as he was instructed to give him one. All of this stems from Epstein's ability to cultivate -- and perhaps compromise -- a roster of Very Important People.

  2. Although Epstein was typically referred to as a "hedge-fund manager," the fact is that there appears to have been no real hedge fund per se. Epstein's first (and possibly only) wealth-management client was Wexner, who oddly disclosed just a couple days ago that Epstein had swindled him out of $46 million, yet Wexner for some reason had never previously decided to, you know, contact the authorities, or even the SEC. Regardless, Epstein's actual asset wealth seems to be a small fraction (like maybe ten percent) of his previously claimed net worth. Sound like anyone else we know?

Already Epstein's demise is the greatest conspiracy theory since the JFK assassination or 9/11, and it's likely many people will never "know" whether he was murdered or if he really committed suicide. That is to say, they'll never be satisfied with the official explanations. Nor should they be -- virtually no one in this mess has functioned as an honest broker, and they're not going to start now.

There are conflicting accounts of Epstein's previous suicide attempt on July 23rd; for one, Epstein himself apparently asserted that he did not try to kill himself, but was in fact attacked by another prisoner, a former cop doing life for murdering four drug dealers. That's why he wasn't on suicide watch.

More to the point, let's use a little common sense here. Most of us accept as fact by now that Epstein appears to have engineered a large, complex extortion scheme, in which he would entice wealthy partygoers into compromising positions with his teenage harem, and then use the videos and photos to blackmail them. Seems strange that he has that kind of leverage over such people, and opts out without even using his volume of material.

Maybe he knew his goose was cooked, and there was no way out this time. But you'd think that a creep like Epstein would have had no reservations about taking down with him whoever else he could, before checking out. Otherwise, what's the point of accumulating all that dirt on influential people?

In the end, it doesn't really matter if Epstein killed himself or was helped along. The main thing to remember is that no one will be held accountable for anything. Oh sure, the SDNY has the files and data and all the dirt from raiding Epstein's mansion. So what? Bill Barr -- whose father gave a grossly underqualified Epstein his first real job, teaching physics and calculus at The Dalton School, even though Epstein had never finished his college degree -- will clean up that mess, just like he's cleaned up all the others.

Maybe Barr will find a convenient liberal type -- Epstein was, after all a liberal and cultivated more high-profile friends from that side of the aisle -- to throw in as a scapegoat. But he'll squash the rest. Whatever Trump's involvement with this creep, he'll get away scot-free, just like he always has and will for all of his shit. Everyone who thought Saint Mueller would save the day should see things for what they are by now -- the whole point of being wealthy and powerful is to insulate yourself from all consequences and accountability.

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