Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Girl With All the Gifts

Nothing like a couple of scathing profiles of Princess Snowflake to make the weekend just a little more enjoyable. Whatever the outcome of Daddy Dearest's malignant reign of error, Princess will emerge with a chip on her shoulder, feeling wronged on all sides, that she has earned every privilege she's ever had, that we thankless peons should have just shut the fuck up and appreciated our brioche.

No matter. She can say what she wants, but she knows what she is. Your father is a fucking ghoul, lady, with his thumbs-up and his shit-eating grin, supposedly consoling survivors of a massacre, holding an infant like a trophy. This is your birthright, it is literally your job to enable this, and then pretend to be the voice of moderation. This is your empire of dirt.

Let her live with that knowledge, and so much more. She can fool the cult members with her phone-sex voice and her anime-sculpted features, because they want to be fooled -- hell, they need it. But in the dead of night, when the dreams come to visit, they remind her of who she really is, who her brothers and parents really are.

These are indecent people; even when they're not actively harming others, every thought and word and action is nothing more than a transaction for them. They are brand-bots, Kardashians with political power that they have no business having.

She and her vile family will never be held accountable for what they've done or what they are, so we might as well enjoy the print smackdowns when they're good.

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