Saturday, August 03, 2019

Whatever and Ever, Amen

Here we go again. To be fair, it is a Saturday, which means "white power mass shooting" nowadays. Unlike the asshole last week at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, who at least had the common courtesy to take himself out after gunning down three people (including a six-year-old), today's asshole was taken alive. So, not a black guy holding his phone in a threatening manner. Oh, and there's an 8chan manifesto where the shooter claims inspiration from the Christchurch massacre. There's a shocker.

Obviously this won't change anything as far as gun policy. Look, if gunning down a classroom full of second-graders didn't do it, and gunning down hundreds of concert-goers from a high-rise casino didn't do it, this won't do it either. But we might at least start taking a serious look at the pattern of enablement under this administration, the wink-and-a-nod "fine people on both sides" stance that is baked into the rhetoric.

He tweets out the useless "tots 'n' pears" crap they all do when these things happen, and then turns around at the next rally or the next tweet-storm and indulges the baser instincts of his audience. He used asylum seekers as scapegoats for the midterms, and hasn't let up. This has been going full steam for months, aided and abetted by the Murdoch agitprop machine. It should not be surprising that marginal doofuses with access to firepower are getting motivated and acting up.

It's an interesting coincidence that Elijah Cummings had an attempted home invasion the same week Fatboy decided to make him a target for the shitposts. Also interesting that there's an uptick in "go back where you came from" sentiments. It's almost as if the chief executive has influence over his supporters -- even more so when the group behavior more closely resembles that of a cult.

They hang on his every word. They genuinely believe he is divinely ordained, this ridiculous pig who's cheated on every woman he's been with, fucks porn actresses, doesn't pay taxes, screws over small business just for the fun of it, tells flat-out lies the way most people draw breath. Funny how Gawwwd always seems to pick  the most unworthy vessels for his big plans, with plenty of true believers waiting around for their chance to help out.

They try to pretend it's just about the ever-lovin' spite of pissin' off libturds, but they are devoted to this clown, they believe his transparent lies, the more ridiculous the lie the more they love it. Windmills cause cancer and we're bailing out the Midwest farmers with China's money. You can't buy that kind of gullibility at any price. These mouth-breathing slapdicks would jump off a bridge if he told them to. That's less of an exaggeration than we'd like to think.

Clearly, the main thing is that no one is made to feel like a racist, they just happen to support someone who tweets bigoted sentiments practically on a daily basis. Fine, whatever. Stop arguing with them, stop interviewing them. We know what they're going to say before they say it. They'll have an excuse for this shooting and that racist tweet, just like the last one, just like the next hundred.

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