Saturday, August 03, 2019

You Get What You Pay For

Missed this little gem when it first came out in March, but its verities are evergreen, like the scent of pine wafting over a virgin knoll, or some loser raiding his neighbor's garage for power tools to trade for meth and/or opioids. See if you can find any patterns in there, these twenty-five shithole counties, the handful of states they are in, the scumbags who keep getting voted in to represent those states.

There will be the usual plaints and defenses from certain corners, but the fact is that these folks are fine with the racism, the incompetence, the rank stupidity and the fact-free ranting. When they bother to vote, they vote for whoever gets them riles up the most about those people, even though they most certainly are those people, just white. Libraries are still free, and they can go down there any time and start educating themselves. They choose not to.

I'll bet you my next paycheck that a sizable plurality -- hell, probably a straight-up majority, can give you a play-by-play of The Bachelor or The Masked Singer or whatever brain-rotting garbage in being funneled into their hovels this week. Count on it. But how and why their lives are the way they are? Not a clue. But they know all the three-word lock-her-up build-the-wall send-them-back herrenvolk lieder by heart, and are ready and eager to drop them on the next dusky-hued type that gets in front of them at the Wal-Mart.

The people who represent these states seem to lead the pack in whinging about sociamalism, and yet these are all states that take much more than they contribute. It might be something if for once they walked the talk (or waddled the mumble, or however you want to put it) and started pulling their own weight. What might that be like? We'll never know. Let them vote and believe whatever nonsense they like -- just stop asking the rest of us to pay for it.

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