Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Colon Cancel, Slight Return

It's been a while since we took a run at 'murka's favorite fake music guy, so here ya go:  Fuck Kanye West, not even for whatever his political pose might be this week, but because he is what he's always been --  a no-talent braggart who, like his fat orange buddy, has spent enough time in a bubble surrounded by toadies and sycophants to convince himself that he is, in fact, the chosen one.

Musically, he's a thief and a cheap pasticheur; lyrically he's a joke even for that genre. He couldn't write a thoughtful lyric, or pluck anything resembling a tune on a one-stringed instrument if you forced him at gunpoint. But he's about as full of himself as Michael Jackson ever was, and for much less reason, though Jacko was long past his prime before we even hit this wondrous new millennium.

And yet Kanye refuses to do the right thing and take his fat tax refund and just fuck off already. Can we set up a fund to, I don't know, pay his wife to distract him with hourly blowjobs until he passes out from exhaustion?

1 comment:

  1. I'm an old, white suburban guy, so my opinion on hip hop doesn't even matter (although Chuck D was both hilarious and biting). The media seems to disagree, but their reviews of his "music" are amazingly similar to Cletus Safari columns, imho.
