Thursday, October 31, 2019

Horror Show

This is what passes for humor with these numbskulls. I mean, I was thinking about going as Tomi Lahren for Halloween this year, but the costume shop was all out of blow-up-doll-with-fivehead costumes. Boom! You like apples?

Ahem. Look, I know I'm always talking about "the balls on these people," but they've been on this "AOC is an idiot" schtick since she got elected, and it takes some serious fucking balls to be in a party that includes borderline retards like Louie Gohmert and Donald Trump, and still talk shit about AOC.

Or they talk shit about her past experience as a bartender. Let me tell ya something -- as a former touring rock musician who played dozens of dive bars all over Northern California, Nevada, and Oregon, I can tell you right now that pound for pound, as an occupation, bartenders are some of the finest people you could hope to meet. And that's at a very high, consistent rate, much higher than most occupations.

They have to strike a fine balance between keeping asshole drunks from getting out of hand, while still moving the product that gets them drunk. They have to fend off horny, obnoxious bros who think their pickup lines aren't stale; they have to play dice with the regulars and listen to their pathetic drunken bullshit stories; they have to listen lies all the time, whether from the bar manager or cheeseball musicians or pretty much everyone who walks through the door.

In other words, it's a perfect training ground for going to Congress, and having to deal with privileged old white men who can't bring themselves to cede a square inch of turf to anyone else, but who always have an extra few ducats to throw at hacks like Tomi Lahren, ankle-biting morons who literally have no other skills and serve no real purpose. Lahren wouldn't last a single shift tending bar.

I've seen a few clips of AOC at work questioning witnesses over various issues, such as outrageous drug prices. She's prepared and knowledgeable, and asks good questions. She's obviously not an experienced procedural hand like Nancy Pelosi, but again, compared with grandstanding nose-pickers like Gohmert or Ted Yoho or Matt Gaetz or Kevin McCarthy or any number of Republicon house mutts and senaturds, she's Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt combined.

But it's the clear mission of the propagandists to paint that lie, over and over again, until the rubes that actually follow them take it to heart. As always, we look forward to the day when Tomi Lahren's real nightmare comes true -- when she actually has to make an honest buck by doing something productive.

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