Friday, November 01, 2019

Trade Wars Are Good, and Easy to Win

So much goddamned winning:

U.S. farm bankruptcies in September surged 24% to the highest since 2011 amid strains from President Donald Trump’s trade war with China and a year of wild weather.

Growers are also becoming increasingly dependent on trade aid and other federal programs for income, figures showed in a report by the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest general farm organization.

There are two main facts these folks should have learned over the last few years, if they inexplicably hadn't known by third grade:  1) stoves are hot; and 2) Donald Trump is a lying dipshit right to his rotten core. Anyone want to take odds on whether they'll vote for him again next year?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- if there's one thing to be thankful for, it's that at least Trump's "policies" have almost exclusively harmed the people who voted for him and still support him. The "coastal elite" states are not being "punished" at all.

(Increased wildfire frequency and intensity in California is excluded from this because that's an effect that's been building for the last thirty years, not the last three. In other words, Trump could have left us in the Paris accords and we'd still be having these wildfire issues.)

It's about time for another Cletus safari from the Times, isn't it? We learn so, so much from them checking back in with the same bitter clingers and Republicon operatives they talked to last year and the year before. Maybe most of them have learned their lesson by now, but you wouldn't put any real money on that. If that doesn't reinforce the principle that people really do get the government they deserve, I don't know what would.

1 comment:

  1. The Media only run 4 stories:

    1) #BothSidesDoIt
    2) Democrats in Disarray!!!!
    3) What do Trump Voters Think (i.e. the Cletus Safari)
    4) Today, Trump truly became President...

    And the Maga Horde is more than willing to lose the family farm and even their lives because even though Trump is a lying racist con artists, conservatives believe they are in on the Con.
