Saturday, November 02, 2019

Crush 'em, Slight Return: Snowflake Season

The real legacy of this gaping cloaca of an administration will be the judges they have stuffed into our increasingly problematic judicial system, at all levels. This is simply unacceptable, though; how many of these fucking whiners must we be saddled with, these coddled rich white men who turn on the waterworks like some day-drinking housewife, every time their precious privilege is challenged in the slightest?

Having been in scores of interview and hiring panels over the past decade, let me put on the trusty HR hat for a second. Let's stipulate that, regardless of your spot along the political spectrum, we should all be able to agree with the simple principle that these little dog-and-pony "confirmation" hearings are essentially the functional equivalent of a job interview. Yes? Good.

So, whether for a privately held company, a publicly traded corporation, or a public-sector department or agency, there is no fucking way I would ever give a job to someone who cried (or yelled and talked about his drinking, as Boof O'Kavanaugh did at his hearing) during the job interview.

In fact, I would advocate more strenuously against it, the closer the position was to my team -- in other words, if it was a unit my team had to work with, and that unit's manager wanted the person for some reason, I'd do everything I could to talk them out of it. If it was for my unit and my superior wanted the person, I'd seriously threaten to walk. I don't work with emotionally volatile drama queens. There are far too many qualified people out there seeking the same jobs. Good grief, that shouldn't even need to be said, but there you have it. This is how far we have fallen.

This is the key quote from the article people should think seriously about:
Why does the Trump administration believe that someone who has done nothing but push fringe legal notions into the mainstream is fit to serve on a federal appellate bench? It’s a puzzler.
It's not a puzzler at all, and Dahlia Lithwick surely knows this, and she knows the reason why they're trying to push Crybaby McGee onto the federal bench for the rest of his sorry life. Obviously, Trump wouldn't know this fucking simp from Judge Judy or Judge Reinhold if you put them all in a lineup. The Federalist Society sends a list, Trump might ask how old they are, because he at least wants to make sure his fuckery carries on long after he's holed up in his Caudillo Suite at the Mag-a-Lardo, smearing chocolate cake and poop on the walls until you can no longer tell which is which.

But he goes from the list, and one thing you can be sure he agrees fully with the Federalist Society on is how far can we push it? Like every bratty four-year-old knows, the only way to find out where the limits are is to test them constantly, see how far you can push Mommy, when she's in a good mood, when she's in a bad mood, when she hasn't had any for a few weeks.

It was the same with Kavanaugh, and it worked perfectly for them. Even setting aside the sexual assault allegations, Kavanaugh's appointment was rammed through with an unprecedented lack of scrutiny -- barely ten percent of his judicial record was able to be reviewed, and he never explained how his substantial mortgage and credit-card debts just happened to be quickly paid off all at once, less than a year before his appointment, on a combined salary that, while significant by the standards of most Americans, was barely average for the DC area, and certainly not enough to knock down a quarter-million in Nats tickets.

But they got away with it, and that's all that matters, that's the only lesson they learn for the next time. And so now they have someone who will probably sit on the bench for another forty years, reliably siding with the looters and the polluters and the anti-abortion fanatics and the privatized carceral state.

They've already dumped a couple hundred of these fucking dirtbags into the system over the last few years, after preventing the black guy from doing it. That's why your vote and your dollars and your unwavering attention matter. It's a lot to keep track of, but either you care about the country your kids and grandkids inherit, or you just really need to jerk off and catch the new adventures of The Masked Singer. It's up to all of us -- and it will take all of us, and a little luck -- to say no, and mean it with every action.

Don't be distracted by their "cancel culture" con either, or their mindless "social justice warrior" carping. It's a lie. There is nothing "woke" about insisting that everyone should be equal under the law, about having a sense of real justice that holds everyone accountable, not just the poor and unprivileged and unlucky. There is nothing untoward about holding people responsible for the things they say and do, just like you would be at your job. Don't fall for their bullshit.

And definitely don't fall for that asshole's crocodile tears. He's just another reminder that lifetime appointments for judges at any level shouldn't be a thing in the first place.

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