Sunday, November 03, 2019

Interesting Reads

Let's take a look at some cool stuff from other people:

The Root's Michael Harriot does some great extended Twitter threads on little-known (but interesting and important) stories from Black American history. This is a great baseball narrative.

A.R. Moxon has some terrific insights on the subtle but important differences between leadership and governance. Someone at the DNC should take note of this. Getting elected means nothing without vision and commitment. Just ask Obama, whose legacy at this rate will be almost completely obliterated by next year's election anyway.

Op-ed piece in The Atlantic (yes, I know, still light-years better than the goddamned Times) about how far we have fallen, and keep falling. But did we really fall that far after all? Was it all just a crazy dream, how great and awesome we thought we had always been?

Buzzfeed sued for and acquired the "secret" memos from the Mueller investigation. As you might guess, it raises more questions than it answers, chief among them being, "So why again hasn't Bill Barr been impeached yet?" and "Why didn't Mueller fight harder and more publicly to preserve all the hard work he and his team did before Barr killed it and stuck it on a shelf?".

Another case of a Trump-sucking oligarch reaping the benefits. Boycott Quicken Loans. Boycott the Cleveland Cavaliers. Boycott anything and everything owned by Dan Gilbert.

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