Sunday, December 15, 2019

Down the Rabbit Hole

Boy, it sure is strange how quickly it all disappeared -- the odd demise of a fake-billionaire pervert who had cultivated a stable of wealthy and powerful friends/blackmail targets. Weird how the money all seems to interconnect. Peculiar how many high-end Rooskies bought into Fakebook early on, and how key players like Larry Summers are in the loop.

Not that the country was ever really yours, you know, but these fuckers are shamelessly stealing what's left right out in the open, defying you to do anything about it. Dirtbags like Zuckerberg and Summers are in it for the money, the Russians are in it to foment chaos. Between the US and UK, so far Putin is two for two. The thing about disruption is that it's not about "winning" so much as disrupting.

For Bill Barr, an Opus Dei creep with a pervert dad, it's more personal -- he's a true believer who thinks that cleansing the evil world of its perfidious sins involves placing it squarely under the jackboot of a good christian like Donald Fucking Trump.

I use Fakebook these days strictly to keep in touch with family and friends around the country, but it's time to just go through the list, weed out the ones I don't really talk to anymore anyway, and put the rest on my phone contacts list.

Remember that with Fakebook, no matter what they try to tell you, you are not the customer, you're the product. They're Russian malware, operated by a creepy incel shitbag who goes around squid-inking credulous mediots with free-speech claims. It's time to boycott the app, and leave it to the old fuckers who are determined to screw over their children and grandchildren by any means necessary.

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