Sunday, December 15, 2019

Stairway to Bevin

The Republicon party is nothing but a huge bag of shit at this point, and few individual logs demonstrate that more clearly than ousted Kintucky gubner Matt Bevin. First Bevin refused to concede the election, then claimed that he lost because Phil Breshear got too many of them urban types to show up and vote. Then he connived with his buddies in the state legislature to stonewall Breshear at every future opportunity. (Note: this is going on in pretty much every state where the governor is a Democrat, but the state lege is Republicon.)

Now, as a final "fuck you" to common decency, Bevin has pardoned some real scumbags:  one raped a nine-year-old girl; one beheaded a co-worker he was having an affair with after she ended the relationship; and the third kicked down his victim's front door and gunned him down in front of his family. That last one got out after his family threw Bevin a $25K fundraiser. Wouldn't at all be surprising if there's a money trail with the others as well.

That's who the fucking Republicons are, period. The party needs to be ended and ground into the manure whence it sprang.

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