Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Handmaid's Trail

You know, maybe if we'd had abortion on demand sixty or seventy years ago or more, we might have avoided having to watch all these ludicrous slapdicks insist on mandating procedures that medically do not exist.
Becker told the newspaper he never researched whether re-implanting an ectopic pregnancy into a woman's uterus was a viable medical procedure before including it in the bill. Sheets declined comment.

"I heard about it over the years," Becker said. “I never questioned it or gave it a lot of thought.”
Well, at least he's honest about his deliberate stupidity. Durrr, I never gave it a lot of thought, I just wrote a fucking law that would force women to have this procedure done, or face a murder charge. Fuckin' jabroni.

Go home and get your fucking shine box, Cooter, manage your burger stand or whatever the fuck you did before leaving the manure pit behind for the bright lights of Columbus, Ohio. Let the adults have a crack at this gubmintin' thing for once. And get your shit together, Ohio. You should be embarrassed.

1 comment:

  1. Right on, amazing. The same people (typically male legislators) who are determined to propose and ultimately impose any and all increasingly restrictive abortion laws, which common sense would seem to require a reliance on some level of medical expertise, when asked about their views on climate change cop out with a response like "well you know I'm not a scientist,,,". I'd guess most of them aren't OB/GYN's either.
