
Friday, February 28, 2020

Run, Don't Walk Away

Oh good, another one of those tedious, disposable I went to a Trump rally and it really opened my eyes to the truth farticles. If I had a plug nickel, yada yada. I find these people nearly as repulsive as the actual unrepentant cultists, mostly because of their preening intellectual dishonesty, posing as some sort of truth-telling.

This one is rooted in another tiresome artifact of the era, the "cancel culture" plaint. What makes this one slightly more interesting is that it took place in, of all things, an online knitting community. And yes, the SJW shitheads in that community, badgering people for supposed racism and cultural appropriation and all that, are despicable, and should be slapped upside the head.

But again -- and this apparently cannot be repeated too many times, since there still are countless people out there who refuse to consider this -- they're just jerks spouting nonsense at strangers on the internet. They're not imprisoning (and shooting) immigrant children; they're not stealing money from essential programs to pay for a pointless wall, as a monument to a doddering slapdick cult leader; they're not purging the federal government of competent, dedicated public servants; they're not robbing the taxpayers to stuff the pockets of billionaires just a bit more. And so on.

There is no sense of proportion or degree with these fools, none at all. The Republican party is collectively undermining the rule of law, compromising the very principle of elected representative governance, right out in the great wide open, defiantly, petulantly. And all this sap can whinge about is a handful of puling dopes in a niche online spot.

Face it, lady, you hung out with people who willingly, gladly support a liar and a thief and a traitor, period, full stop. You can qualify it with all the "they were meeeaaaan to my wittle fwiends" and "Democrats are mean for calling racists racist" demurrals but there it is. Go tell it to one of those refugee kids getting raped in Dear Leader's for-profit internment camps, before they get "adopted" out to a fine white "Christian" family..

Trump and everyone around him is rotten and vile to the core, and the rally cultists are just a step removed. It is a fiction that they put up with him while "wishing he wouldn't tweet so much" or whatever. They don't love him despite his faults, but because of them. I don't think they are at all representative of the "average" Trump supporter, but at this point, there's no confusion or question about what he is and does. You should buy Stephen Miller a fucking drink or something. You know you really want to.

On the one hand, if this chump is so easily swayed, then she was never really a Democrat after all, which is fine, but the real problem is that she's okay with all the corruption and malfeasance, because the cult was nice to her, as cults are when you just stand there and listen respectfully to tendentious nonsense and blustery, hateful lies. Just because someone doesn't blurt racial slurs over and over again doesn't mean they're not racist. The trope early on with Trump, even back in the campaign, was don't worry about what he says, watch what he does. Okay. How's all that been working out?

There's going to be a lot more of this as the year moves along, these random useful-idiot pieces purporting to speak for much larger numbers of people out there. I think -- I hope -- most people are at least sharp enough to not fall for this shameless gaslighting, but you just never know. I mean, here we are. If someone had described the current scenario to you just five years ago, you'd have laughed them out of the room and called the guys with the nets.

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